Please help 🥺

Hi everyone, I need some advice. I have an oversupply of breast milk, I could fill buckets and every time I feed my baby, she becomes unsettled, screaming and choking because the milk sprays out so fast. I've tried hand expressing before feeds as advised by the health visitor, but it seems to make things worse. My baby is much happier with a bottle, and it's breaking my heart. I'm looking for any other suggestions before we consider giving up on breastfeeding. Thank you!
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Not sure if it's actually effective or a wives tale, but I recall my Nanna and mum once saying drinking sage tea and putting cabbage leaves in her bra helped reduce milk supply

How old is your baby? I’m guessing a newborn. I would try laid back breastfeeding, this video shows you how and she has sooo many helpful videos on her account. I’d avoid using a haakaa as that can increase your supply. Your supply should start to settle around 6 weeks. If you have a genuine oversupply (most of us do in the early days while your body is working out how many babies it needs to feed!) then I would work with an IBCLC to get some proper support with this.

Everything Lauren said ^ My son was the same but after I’d regulated he was fine. Still chokes occasionally during a letdown but that’s his own fault for not concentrating 😂

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