Break up

Me and my boyfriend have broken up today we’ve been together 2.5 years and our baby girl is 10 months old. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend and boyfriend at once. I’m honestly heartbroken and don’t know what to do without him. We broke up due to us arguing a lot and admittedly most of it being my fault. Our expectations were 2 different things I guess but is there any one who has experienced this and managed to work through things. I can honestly argue about anything and I really want to stop to get my family back together.
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Do y’all try getting therapy ?

@Lizzy no he won’t do therapy

I was in the same boat a couple weeks ago I was with my boyfriend 2 years and we have a 9 1/2 month old we split up from arguing loads (mostly being my fault too) we’re now working through it we realised as hard as it is we need space from eachother and we both agreed we have things we both need to work on with ourselves becoming young first time parents is hard! But now we’re doing better than ever I see him 5-6 days a week for a few hours but we don’t live with eachother anymore and won’t for a few months it’s very difficult but if you want it to work you will it’s just coming to an agreement that works for you both and understanding eachothers side. If you need to talk please don’t be afraid to message x

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