I had my baby last year but in my early pregnancy months I found a place that does free scans and it helped my worries. But once I was able to feel my baby move I didn’t worry as much. If I didn’t feel her moving. I would take a sugary drink to get her to move.
It’s so hard. But as my husband says: All we know is that you’re pregnant, we don’t know anything else so we can’t worry about what ifs. It brought me a lot of peace when I worry. Trust your body, it knows what it’s doing :) you shouldn’t have scans less than 2 weeks apart too :) X
I know this is easier said than done, but I had to tell myself that what will be will be, and if something is going to happen, it is beyond my control. Plus (and ill probably get flamed for this) if I had miscarried it wouldn't have been the end of the world. It would have been awful yes, but something happening to my existing children is much worse.