Twins natural delivery or C Section

Did you have natural delivery, emergency c section or planned c section.
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I'm having a planned c section because I had a previous c section(also planned). At this moment both are breech as well, they definitely have time to turn, but I don't have any interest in attempting a VBAC.

I had an emergency c section

Planned section as transverse breech. I wld have elected for planned section regardless as first babies and I wasn’t really up for vaginal birth with twins 😅

I personally chose an elective C-section. I had an emergency C-section with my first so as soon as they said it was twins that was decision made for elective

I had a planned section booked for 36 weeks (because they were mono/di) but they came via a chilled out emergency section at 34+4 because one had a raised umbilical Doppler

I had a planned c section as baby A was breech and baby B was transverse. I was very upset as I really wanted a natural birth.

I had a planned section because both twins were stubbornly breech. If Twin A was head down I absolutely would've tried for a vaginal birth x

I had an unplanned c section but wasn’t an emergency

I had a planned section booked for 37+3 but my waters went at 37+2 and ended up having cat 1 emergency section due to twin 1s heart rate

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