Please help me

I am 5 weeks postpartum and I’m experiencing lots of thoughts I keep thinking to myself what did I get myself into by having a baby? All I keep thinking is that I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life. I feel like a bad mom thinking this because I have been freaking out when taking care of my daughter. My fiance and I had been trying to have a baby for a 1 year and now that she’s here I just want to run away and feel like she’s better off without me. Please someone tell me that these feelings go away and I start to enjoy taking care of my daughter. Since I have been having these freak outs my mom has been taking her for some nights and every time I dread for her to come back. When she’s not here I can’t seem to enjoy the non mom moments because all I think about is her coming back. My fiance also goes back to work soon and I’m dreading it as the days come closer because I’m supposed to be a SAHM. This is the life I dreamt of but I’m so so afraid of not wanting my baby. But when I have her i feel happy. Am I just doubting myself? Will it go away? Will I enjoy my baby?I get so angry at myself for feeling this way because I’m supposed to be happy and enjoying these moments. I know this isn’t me so please if anyone reads this please give me advice? I’m also having a hard time falling asleep as these scary dark thoughts run thru my head. I will also be seeing my OB this Monday to talk to her about what I’m experiencing.
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It sounds like you’re having postpartum depression , speak to a doctor & speak to your partner you need help and that’s really important feeling alone then doing majority on your own is hard. You should design a routine to break the day down and go outside don’t stay inside all the time that what kick starts depression. Make sure you set a time for yourself to do your nails/hair or watch a movie so you can reset your mood and not just be mum 24/7 and not lose yourself. Take vitamin D vitamin’s because that can make you feel extremely depressed as well if your vitamin D levels are low and body aches

@Lacey Thank you for responding, I appreciate it so much. Yes I reached out to my OB so I will be talking to her sooner than my 6 week check up because I was worried about these thoughts because I was doing just fine a week ago but something in me switched. By chance do you recommend certain vitamins to take?

I felt this exact way for the first three weeks pp. I was devastated and miserable and angry that everyone made having a baby seem so amazing. I cried starting every evening, then slowly it was all day every day. Thankfully, my OB prescribed something temporarily, and i felt significantly better. Way more myself. And i was able to slowly wean myself off of the meds ( with OB approval) by a little after 2 months. Im glad youre seeing your OB and hope they can help you too. My son is 7 months now and i think he's the most amazing thing in the world. I wish i had appreciated those first weeks more, but i know it was the hormones taking over. Be very gentle with yourself and make sure someone takes time with your daughter so You can do non-mom related things that make you happy.

@Cici thank you so so much for responding, I really appreciate it. ;)

@Alejandra when your mum your mood never stays the same keep in mind a week before/after period your mood will change mine does a lot of woman I know does too makes you feel really low just make sure you look after yourself! It will get better just have to find the things you enjoy and you will find the balance x

As others said it sounds like some pp depression, which is so so common. It’s great you’re going to talk to your OB sooner. I had awful pp anxiety and went on medication and am still on it 2 years later. I’m just a better mom, have more patience and am more myself with the medication. I say that so you know there is nothing to be ashamed of if you decide to go on medication. Babies need happy mamas! The early pp period is SO hard I cried all the time for no reason, your hormones are all over the place and that’s totally normal too. Take care of yourself.

@Caitlin thank you so much for responding;) I appreciate it a lot. Lately when I take care of my daughter I tend to freak out resulting me into a panic or anxiety attack and my fiance will end up taking over and I feel like a bad mom. I’m hoping talking to my OB will help me so I can be happy and feel more myself. I constantly keep worrying about the future and how I will be and if I’m able to handle it I try to remind myself that it’s only temporary but these thoughts don’t allow me too and tell me that I’ll never get better and continue to feel this way.

Of course! That sounds like pp anxiety to me. I was so panicked over EVERYTHING. It was terrible. It’s really good you’re taking action now and not waiting honestly. You’re not a bad mom, you had a baby and your hormones are going haywire - remind yourself it’s so so common and very normal. Sometimes we just need a little extra help getting back to ourselves. I’m here to tell you that you will NOT always be this way and it WILL get better. When you doubt yourself remind yourself of this - you reaching out for help, reaching out to your OB before your 6 weeks. You recognized that something is going on, you’re not the mom you want to be and are doing something about it. That’s a great mom right there.

Those thoughts creep in. Seek help if needed. I still have them 14 months pp. I feel it’s worse when life is just not the way I had hoped it would be and I’m held hostage to everyone else’s needs and I just get angry. It helps realizing it’s just a momentary emotion. I love my daughter. I’d be lost without her. I went through it w my first too who is now ten. It takes time To find footing as a mama. It’s ok. It’s normal. As long as u can talk to someone and don’t feel Super alone.

Be gentle with yourself. You’re dealing with a lot of hormonal changes right now and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Just be honest and ask for help/breaks when you need them. No one is gonna judge you we’ve all been there before struggling.

Hi mama i have felt like this before and it was definitely ppd please seek help if you can take it easy . Go on walks with baby when u can and spend time with ur baby that will likely heal you a bit but definitely seek help

I think many many of us feel this way, but not everyone will talk about their feelings...motherhood is a very hard job, it will get easier but is never easy, every stage is a challenge...I also did not realise how hard it will be...before I just saw women with the buggy and I though they look nice and I never knew what is fact I had neighbour next door with 2 small kids and it was so noisy almost non stop and I was so irritated by that noise and did not think one day I will go through the same

It's common, but important to get help. You aren't a bad mom for feeling this way and if you get help and support, those thoughts and feelings will go away. I experienced those thoughts and feelings and got support from my mom and husband, plus a therapist who specializes in maternal mental health. You have already taken an amazing first step by recognizing and acknowledging these feelings and wondering how you can feel better 💕

Yep, PPD to the max. Experienced this, the feelings of shame and guilt and terror were absolutely exhausting. On the outside, according to my husband, I appeared happy but in reality, me pretending to be happy ultimately took its toll mentally and pretty much shit hit the fan MH wise. Got help, got meds, i now stress and worry a bit less.

It DOES get better luv! It’s postpartum depression mixed with a little resentment to the fact that your partner is a little more free then you are. It’s hard, it’s stressful BUT you ARE a good momma and you’re doing your Best and that’s ALL that matters. You feeling this way doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you human. Just make sure like they say to speak to someone, talk to your partner and make sure your taking little bits of time for yourself. It’s OKAY to put your baby down in their crib or a safe place to take a moment for yourself and walk away. It’s OKAY to say I need a break! For me once I got on birth control and got my hormones back on track I felt better. You got this ❤️

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