@Haley 💚 yes cribs would prevent this however we don’t have a crib. We had three bassinets and she refused to sleep in it. She has a floor bed we plan to switch her to when she was able to get out just didn’t realize it would be this early
My first born was crawling between 5-7 months. He was in a floor toddler bed at the time. 8 months, he was walking. I personally didn’t use cribs, used a pack n play and he would climb out of that.
Somewhere around 12 months. Our bed is pretty high off the ground so we moved them to cribs before it would be an issue. My son is in a toddler bed and my 9 mo old doesn’t have a lot of issues getting down when she does it the right way
@Laney could you push the bed against the wall on one side and put the bed rails across the bottom of the bed?
My kids are in a crib until they start climbing out. My daughter never really tried climbing out so she was in a crib until 3
My 9m baby is currently on a mattress on the floor in his room (we're transitioning from bed sharing and want to make sure he's ready before buying a proper floor bed and getting rid of the crib he refuses to sleep in). He's only been in there 2 nights now but he crawls into our room through the night when he needs me and in the morning too- our entire house is tiny and baby proofed and we have a stair gate at the top of the stairs so he's safe x
@Haley 💚 no unfortunately they’re connected and they only stretch from side to side not top to bottom
My 2 year old started walking at 8 months old but he never gets out of bed until he wakes me up and gets my phone off the dresser to hand to me to go out to the living room haha
@Ashley I love this 😂 my daughter is eight months old and sooo independent. She couldn’t help herself because her dog was there so she had to get down and play with him 😂
If we had that set up then between 6-10 months they would both have been able to get out of bed independently. We use cribs and they have never climbed out.