We saw a craniosacral person when my daughter wouldn’t latch without nipple shields m - I think that’s very similar? Tbh we didn’t notice any difference. She’d tell us all the tension she’d work out and how she could feel it all working etc. but baby seemed exactly the same after, if not a little fussy even. Maybe it depends on the person doing the treatment but for us it just wasn’t worth the expense and we solved the issues on our own in time
Highly recommend seeing an osteopath! We go every 2 weeks and it makes such a difference. Just for some added security that it’s not just a way to make money off new parents, my LO is being treated for free.
How old are everyone's babies who went to see an osteopath/chiropractor? Considering this for my nearly 5 week old who has tension in neck and jaw and has trouble latching. He always turns his head to one side too
@Karin I read your comment and thought this sounds very similar so will look into it. Were you able to find one fairly quickly? Is it expensive?
@Karin Thank you x
@Chloe how come being treated for free? If you dont mind me asking :) x
@GABRIELA I’m the receptionist at the clinic and the osteo just loves babies 😂 she’s self employed so she doesn’t have to charge the prices set by the clinic if she doesn’t want to and it also means she’s not earning anything when she’s treating my baby so it’s very sweet of her to do!
@Steph we started taking our LO at 2 weeks
We have seen our chiropractor 3 times now for my LO as he was carry tension and tongue - tie. Since his tongue-tie release and adjustments he is latching on a lot better. X