Tips on treating C section incision with a over hang

Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to care for your incision when you have an overhang? Mine is pretty bad and I'm worried it doesn't get enough air to it, it will get infected. I'm 7 days post op and still struggling with living flat on my back. I have to sit at an angle to sleep for comfort and to avoid pain TIA
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I had the same problem I used kitchen roll to keep it dry and after about 2 weeks I used liquid talc but the kitchen roll worked really well

Hi so I was told to fold up a panty liner or pad and put in between the flap to keep it dry and clean. I did it for weeks til it seemed like it was healing up well..I’m a side sleeper as well and exclusively breastfeeding.

Mine got infected twice as it was hard to keep dry. I would use a blow dryer in the cold setting after showers and it still got infected. To the point where I had to go multiple times a week to get it cleaned and dressed properly at the hospital (at like 3 months PP). I found cleaning it with saline water every night helpful. Patting it dry. Holding the skin up to air out a bit. Haven’t had any issues since.

So I bought the postpartum underwear and they came up and folded with my skin but not tight thankfully. Also just making sure you are dry after a shower and I use to randomly walk around holding my belly multiple times per day. The 1st month I slept on a recliner and then came to the couch with my wedge pillow. I'm a huge side sleeper but with the limited space it was comfortable on those 2 places.

@Lauren would you just fold the kitchen roll and place it under your overhang in position?

@Kayla thank you. I think I will give this a go as well. I worry more about it during the day as I can air it a bit better at night time when I do go into bed I hold it up as best as I can and lie as flat as I can for like an hour to help. I'm also doing showers daily to help it be clean

It gets easier with time. Try not to stress too much..

I folded up paper towels and put it under there. Changed them out. And I couldn’t lay flat on my back for months. Slept on my sofa at an incline for the first 4 months.

Yea that’s literally all I did during the day it kept it really dry x

It was healed perfectly by 4 weeks and had no problems since sometimes when it gets a bit sweaty even now 5 months later just put some kitchen roll there

Gauze gauze gauze! Always kept a dry layer of gauze on it, even after cleared by my doctor because of my paranoia. Finally stopped at 8 weeks postpartum

I have a large overhang. I just made sure to shower daily to get it clean. I would then dry it really well with my towel and place gauze or a paper towel on it. At night I'd take a wet paper towel and clean it and dry it really well and then put clean gauze on it. I get bad heat rashes under my belly so I was worried about an infection but I had no issues with it. Just keep it dry and clean and you should be good. 😊

Thank you so much everyone for all your responses. This has really helped me feel better about how to help look after my incision x

when i first came out the hospital i just was washing my body with a sponge and non scented soap and then sitting on a chair and washing my hair that way as i was petrified to get it wet too, I had the fear that it would just burst back open but after 2 weeks i was told everything was fine and getting it wet like usual was absolutely no issue at all, Its scary at first but once you’ve done it once it gets less scary every time! I’m now 8 months PP and my overhang is almost completely gone but i am a dancer so i obviously am very active but it does eventually go away, if you feel more comfortable wear a pair of pants and put a bit of tissue onto the scar and just hope that it doesn’t get too wet while showering x I did this x

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I used and still use cotton rounds - I am 17 months pp x

Sleep on your side as in your back puts more strain on the incision....i used my pregnancy pillow too.

I used a muslin to pop underneath till it dried alongside the hairdryer on a cold setting. Later on I also applied talc once healed.

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