Yeh Moses baskets are really popular still we used them last time with our twins and will be using again this time. You can even put the Moses basket in the next 2 me if baby finds the next2me a bit overwhelming initially x
I used a Moses basket downstairs and the next to me upstairs with my first
Ive got a bassinet in living room and next to me for beside the bed
I have a Moses basket, they’re definitely still a thing. I also will be using a wrap for lots of contact naps 🥰🥰
Moses basket down stairs n next to me crib upstairs, my oldest child now has a cat which we didn’t have when my 19 month old was a baby so my mum has asked if she can buy us a next to me crib that has a safety hood for when I need to run to the toilet so the cats can’t climb in with baby x
@Kirsty I have a cat too and was thinking what to do about ensuring she stays out of the babies bed. I wonder if you can get universal ones
With my first 4 years ago he was in the pram bassinet on the floor or dining table, or one of those bouncer chair things that lay pretty flat. But tbh most the time he was on my chest while I binged Netflix 😂
Honestly im just using my pram bassinet in the livingroom 🤷🏼♀️ not bothering to pay extra for a stand