Final wake windows

Is anyone else finding the last wake window before bed extremely painful at the moment? My girl is super whingy as soon as she wakes up from her last nap and it’s so hard to keep her entertained. She also can’t stay up as long as she should be or was doing, I’m putting her to bed after only 2 hours because I feel like the whinginess is tiredness from the short naps. Anyone else in the same boat?
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Yes my son is falling asleep in the bath or pram after only being awake a short time. He’s really struggling to go his full wake window

Bang on the same as my boy at the moment.

I think the whole concept of "wake windows" is really over exaggerated and pushed by social media. If my baby is tired, she's tired 😢 But we do try and have the same bedtime each day, or else she will be awake super early, so yeah it can be hard in the evenings. Everything I have read has said that usually babies will have their longest nap in the morning and the last one before bed should be short. But we actually do the opposite, the only time she will have a long nap is a contact nap in the afternoon 3pm-5pm.

My babies naps are always 30mins. Regardless if it’s the first nap. In my opinion that’s a myth. Yes first nap is important but it’s a nap.. the same as all the other 3 that my baby takes. My boy always has his 4naps. They’re 2hrs apart from when he wakes up. His bed time is 6:30/7pm and he sticks to it. If he goes over the 2hr wake window he is the neediest baby ever. But still on ever 30mins. It’s exhausting. He’s 7months. We’ve had this routine on since he was 3/4months old.

@Wallis sorry, wasn't saying individual babies won't have specific amounts of time they can stay up, but just the myth that *all* babies should be awake for a certain amount of time at the same age.

@Emmo yes I do agree, I just meant that last week she was comfortable with a long wake window before bed (3.25-3.75hrs) but this week 2.5hrs is a struggle and it’s ending up being the shortest wake window of the day. We also get our longest nap in the afternoon too ☺️

Yes exactly the same as us. Started about a week ago

Just let them have a 20min nap to keep them going that’s what we do, don’t have to stick to “what they should be doing” just do what works for you x

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