Spewing baby

Hi lovely’s, my 4 month is a very spewy baby since she was about 2 months old straight after feeds or second I burp her powers outs or 10 minutes after feeding or while feeding she start’s vomiting, there never just small little vomits it’s a lot all day everyday type of thing just wondering if anyone has been in this situation knows anything to help, family are pushing me to formula feed they think that’s what she needs but I don’t want to give up our breastfeeding journey so any advice or help would be greatly appreciated
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Could it be reflux? Maybe sit her more upright for feeds if possible. Or get her looked at for either a tongue tie or cheek tie. Speak to your baby's doctor about it too

Hi! We had this happen and our son had pyloric stenosis. He had complete obstruction and required surgery (don’t be alarmed, it’s very common and has no long term effects what so ever!) Whilst your case doesn’t sound anything like our situation (he would literally throw up his entire feeds by 6 weeks) you might still want to double check with a GP. Usually they recommend an ultrasound for that. Also your breast milk is the best thing for the baby, I’m not sure what your family’s reasoning behind formula feeding is 🤔

How's her weight gain? If she's gaining well despite the vomiting it could be an oversupply or maybe a reaction to something your eating. Any other symptoms? Pain/discomfort? No blood or alarming amount of mucus etc in nappies? I would expect switching to formula would worsen the issue not fix it but hard to know without identifying the cause. I'd talk to gp and see what they think. But also my first bub never spit up after feeds but my second does and they are often enough to warrant a change of clothing, could it just be personal opinion that it's an abnormal amount of spit up?

@Gabrielle I’ll give the sitting up a try, I’ve spoken to my gp they have referred me to see hospital paediatrician but looking up to 12 month wait, I’ll ask them to look for tongue tie and cheek tie thank u

@Valeriya okay thank you so much I’ll run it past the gp as well, yeah that’s what she does just throws up so much like 5 outfit changes that’s a good day because she so spewy like she doesn’t seem to be in pain at all or anything she just vomits it’s very strange the doctors were abit confused as she doesn’t seem to be in pain but she also doesn’t go 3 hours between feeds unless it’s night time there her biggest stretch, I have no idea why they want formula fed they believe it will make her less vomiting but the lactation consultant said no chance

@Steph she isn’t putting heaps of weight on she’s but not losing any weight she’s in the 15 percent, no pain at all nor anything blood or any discomfort she vomits, my first never vomited or spit up but her she just does so often besides feeds through the night

@Chloe Yess we had to change his outfit after each feed! Luckily had a very good paediatric GP that insisted on an ultrasound.

My first son threw up every day for 4 months then it stopped. He was breastfed and gaining g weight, not in pain or anything. I never found out why it just stopped, so It may stop soon ! My second baby has spit up maybe 3 times in 4 months. Also breastfed. Don’t change to formula if BF is going well. Older generations have this weird confusion surrounding breastfeeding just ignore them

@Anni thank you so much yes the older generation will be the death of me lol

@Chloe I feel you! stick to your instincts and current research. Hopefully the chucking up stops soon on its own. Maybe just a sensitive stomach and if so then even more so your milk is the best thing for her ☺️

My daughter was like this she’s allergic to cows milk and soy

@Sharni so did u stop drinking cows milk and soy milk and it helped ?

Have you spoken to a medical professional about this? She could be suffering from reflux or another gastrointestinal disorder. You can also potentially cut out dairy from your diet and see if this makes any difference. Formula might exacerbate the issue without seeking out the root cause of the problem.

Would look into what you’re eating/drinking. Documenting what you’ve eaten and how many vomits. Might have an allergic to something you’re eating etc soy, dairy, acidic foods. Even maybe look at your body wash etc Does she come up with any rashes? Is she over feeding? Do you have a forceful letdown? Reflux? Have you tried giving dr glass or another reflux ? Is she swallowing too much air when feeding? Is she having diarrhoea too? Get gp to look into GERD or pyloric stenosis. Can always present to ER if you’re worried.

@Mairead thank you heaps

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I know this doesn’t help much as you are breastfeeding but my nephew used to power spew his formula and they were told to use a thickener to help which worked so you may have to express and add a thickener!

Maybe consult another GP for a second opinion? I’m surprised that they’ve referred you to a paediatrician with a long wait time. It seems like something that should be looked into sooner than that.

@Bex I’ll definitely get a second opinion it is definitely frustrating as by 12 months she’ll be on proper foods and less breastmilk

We had lots of reflux and had this for almost 12 months.

It could be a food allergy my daughter was the same around 3 months getting terrible eczema and i was bf her and she was allergic to eggs. Switched to formula at 8 months after having little to no sleep most nights and also figuring out the cause when she started solids at 6 months and automatically better for her. I would try an elimination diet if u want to continue bf! She also didn’t lose alot of weight at first but now she is 1 she is on the lower percentile so just keep an eye on the weight and height

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