I swear by Vanish power gel 👌🏻 Also the Astonish White Vinegar is a great stain remover for fruit stains I found 👌🏻 Vanish with the gold lid works wonders for us too. When all else fails I swear by the Vanish gel 👌🏻Also soaking in a stain remover helps (and then wash like normal) and I repeat this several times if I'm still not happy with the result. I get the majority of stains out of my kids clothes xx
Napisan is the best for getting out stains x x
Napisan and a spray of elbow grease 🙌🏻
I used the vanish gel for a while and it was ok on some stains but not great on things like paint or dark red stains from sauce etc. I decided to give Sainsbury’s own stain remover spray and it works so much better! It pretty much gets out I’d say 98% of stains.
Thanks so much ladies! ♥️
I use fairy platinum too. What works for me is soaking the clothes in water in the sink then applying fairy, I give it a good scrub with a little brush then put it in the wash 9/10 it removes food stains and other stains. Sometimes I also use baking soda mainly on white using the same method above.