Am I in the wrong

So my partner sleeps most of night and day so I always have our baby she is 1 month old and for feeds I won’t leave her more than 4 hours without being fed, so he woke up and I asked him to feed her so I could sort my self out and he just ignored me so I ended up feeding her but she started getting fussy as she was just up and he said I was force feeding her and can’t make her eat and he gets annoyed when I ask him to change nappies and he will just try leave her in them when dirty so again I have to do it and he just sits there on his phone and if I ask for help he kicks off
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I’d be making him leave, you already have 1 child to look after and he’s acting like another. It’s his responsibility too you shouldn’t even be having to ask him to feed or change his own child

What does this man do for you or bring to the table? Because honestly if he’s sleeping most of the night & say what is he doing outside of that? You’re doing everything by yourself as it is it seems, you don’t need a man child that’s throwing a tantrum for asking for help with your actual baby that you both made or to attend to some basic self needs of your own.

He legit sleeps 90% of the time and even if he does feed her he’s sat on his phone not paying attention

What Katie said. Sounds like a manchild who doesn’t deserve you or your child, it makes my skin crawl reading this. He does realise leaving a baby without food and in dirty nappies is child abuse? You say he sleeps during the day, does he work?

This grinds my gears. Makes you question why have a child if you can’t take on responsibilities. I feel for you that you do everything. You’ve literally just carried that precious little girl for 9 months and are now doing everything practically on your own without a helping hand from him. I would personally sit down with him maybe when she’s down for a sleep and just talk about how it makes you feel and that he’s not been helpful by taking her off your hands for once. Maybe you have left her in a dirty nappy but maybe it’s because you’re drained and sleep deprived.

Playing a bit of devils advocate here and ignoring the constantly sleeping and kicking off… could the rest of it be that you just have a difference in opinion on parenting? He believes that baby’s feed when they are hungry and they will let you know when they are hungry whereas you believe in scheduled feeds. And that he doesn’t feel a nappy needs changing immediately whereas you do. I see it on here a lot where parents have differing opinions. There was a poll literally yesterday regarding nappy changes and many mums said they leave them until they’re completely full or blown out before changing them.

@Laura yeah he does work but he’s on paternity leave rn he’s due back in a week

@Emma yeah I think a talk is definitely needed cause I honestly can’t deal with him doing nothing, like it’s always me doing it all and he shouldn’t act like he’s doing stuff when he’s not

@Donna Woods I wouldn’t say so cause before she was even here we spoke about everything and it was him that said most of it and he’s turned back on it, and the nappy situation even if the nappy is full he doesn’t change it

@Sharnee honestly at first he was good but now it’s nothing, and he even complains about helping tidying, he’s honestly worse than a child sometimes and it sounds bad but would probs be easier if he was at work cause it’s like having to children

Yeah look been there and done that. With 2 kiddos under 2 and pregnant. Honestly it is actually so much easier without him.

@Sharnee like if we already do everything they may as well just go work

Yeah mine couldn’t even do that 🤷🏻‍♀️ being with him was more stressful than anything. You have to do what’s best for you and your baby at this point. And a happy mama is a happy baby

@Sharnee that’s not good🙃yeah I’ve legit been doing what I thinks best for her

Have you explained why you feed her every 4 hours ? Is she under her birth weight or is she showing cues to be fed? Maybe explain whatever your reasons are to him and maybe he’ll understand x

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@Sophie she was under she’s not anymore but she’s does give cues that she wants feed and I tell him that but he just shoves a dummy at her

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