Gestational weight.. Interested to know if anyone else has experienced this!

At my growth scan was told baby had dropped to the 37th percentile from the 65th so we’ve got a scan for two weeks time, how ever my question is had anyone experienced this before? And basically if you had did your baby continue to drop or did they gain in weight.. Sorry just a very anxious mum 🙃
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Mine dropped from 80 to 20, had 3 scans every 2 weeks and at the last he was back up to 60.. worth baring in mind that it’s only estimates. If your first scan was the 20 week scan measuring off by 1mm can make a huge difference in their estimate as they are so tiny!

My experience- my little one was 25th centile at 27 weeks and then dropped to 5th centile at 32 weeks. 34 weeks she was the 7th centile and then I have another scan next week at 37 weeks. So they were happy she went up slightly. They checked the placenta and umbilical cord twice and happy everything is working fine, I was worried sick but please try not to and take the numbers with a pinch of salt x

Thanks for the response! Well honestly he’s dropped every growth scan, so 90th then 65th now 37th! Soo my scan in two weeks determines if I had an early C-section from 37weeks! I had a still born March 2024, i delivered her at 24weeks soo my anxiety is high with this pregnancy 🙃

I'm so sorry to hear you had a still born, no wonder you're full of anxiety. Hopefully on the next scan he hasn't dropped and has gained 🫶🏼

My son went from 50th, 90th, 96th, 98th then started to drop we got to 86th and they said I had to get him out asap, they said it wasn’t common for a big baby to drop, it’s common in smaller babies to drop. They booked an induction , he came the day before naturally. He was 8 days early so 38w 6d and 8lb tiny but very long.

My baby was 80th centile at 28 weeks, 78th at 32 but they said that it’s normal as they’re so close together and then at 35 weeks he was 60th centile but their computer programme wasn’t worried about it

@Georgia thank you! 💕 xxx

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