Hey everyone!
So here is my thing… my daughter used to sleep on her own in a crib (not through the night and has ALWAYS been a bad sleeper) and we had a strict routine… but we had to get ride of her crib because she was too big for it and was waking herself up because of not having enough room…. Anyway… we live in a 1 bed apartment at this moment and will change soon as we are upgrading in a few months and will have her own room… but, at this moment we all share a room and sleep in the same bed… she is almost 14 months an will not sleep unless we are right there and it’s not safe at the moment to just put her in the room and let her go till she falls asleep… but dad and I have NO time to ourselves and we don’t have people to watch her and or stay with so like you know, no time for adulting things if you know what I mean lol anyway…
Any advice on how to help her sleep without us there???
We have tried lavender in the bath , we have the room dark, we have tried a strict routine, and we have tried a loose one, we also have lullabies playing
, and when she goes to bed she is full… (note, she no longer had bottles to sleep as we stopped that at 11 months and she is only on the straw sippy cups)
I know you say it’s not safe have you considered rails to make it safe.