@Amy are your flange sizes correct did you measure your nipple recently?
measure your nipple size and use the correct size flange. also wearbles are not as strong so it won’t remove all the milk as well as a baby or hospital grade breast pump
I had the same problem, I had to switch to topping my daughter up with formula after each feed because she wasn’t gaining a healthy amount of weight. If you genuinely are struggling to produce milk consider giving her a couple ounces of formula after each feed just to make sure baby is getting the right amount of calories!! I was sooo against formula in the beginning, I loved breast feeding but I had to get over it and come to terms with the fact I wasn’t producing enough milk.
I’m the same x bought hot tea mama but didn’t see such improvement. Baby girl didn’t gain any weight for 3 weeks so I was giving her top ups with my expressed milk that I had in the freezer. Now she is refusing my boobs completely, as of today she didn’t take my boob at all 😭 so I’m trying to pump every two hours and it takes me 2 pump sessions for one bottle . I got fenugreek too to help . My freezer stash is running low now and we bought formula today just in case . I was so against it but if my milk dries up completely we just gonna have to do formula. I do want to try and exclusively pump for 2 more months at least but don’t know if it will work 😭I’m honestly so upset as the same thing happened with my son but at around 6 months of age
@Christine I haven't but thanks for the heads up, will give it a go and see if that's maybe the issue. By wearables do you mean even those that aren't hands free? Sorry if it's a silly question, it's my first so I'm quite new to this!
@Sedella we're currently having to do top ups due to slow weight gain. How did you find it?
@Amy yes wearables are the ones that are hands-free. The reason why is cause it’s kind of like a 4 x 4 engine or like a Corolla trying to go Lamborghini speed it’s gonna cause like nipple trauma cause it goes longer and it pulls on it harder to get the same pool as like a stationary breast pump, I’m pretty experienced with pumping since it’s been six months now and my baby was an 👶🍼nicu baby if you get the NENE supply flanges for your stationary pump that comes with the nipple measure, feel free to message me and ask me anything about pumps or anything else but definitely get the right flan size that will definitely tank your supply if you’re wearing the wrong size
@Nicky it’s worked amazingly baby girl went from 4.2kg a couple weeks ago to almost 5 kilograms now!!
@Sedella amazing! We're still experiencing slow weight gain
My baby feeds fine from me but when I pump I can barely get anything out. Are you bf directly or just pumping? For context I spent about 1 hour last night attached to a pump and got 10ml and then hand expressed 50ml in about 15 mins so could that be the issue?