In desperate need of mummy friends

Hello❤️ I am just wondering, if anyone else out there is in the same position and what to do 😂… I WFH, moved to the area a few years ago so I don’t have any local mummy friends but.. I’ve always done mummy activities… classes and groups but their over so quickly and your attending to your LO, there’s no time to spark up s convo. With the weather getting nicer, I want nothing more than a Saturday down the park with a mum friend than going to soft play and walks alone. Has anyone successfully gained any friendship on this app… please give me hope 😂
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I feel the same, I’m 36 weeks with my first baby and doing it single so definitely would love some mum friends to do things with once babies born, feel free to give me a message❤️

Hiya! I’m a WFH mumma in the same boat! The struggle is real. My little man is 4! Message me if you want to chat lovely 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Heya! I’m happy to meet up and go parks and all sorts of things!! I struggle to make friends too 😅 my little girl is 2years old in may, feel free to drop me a message x

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