Omg I'm in the same spot and I hate taking him to other peoples houses cause he doesn't listen whatsoever
@Brooke omg right😭 it drives me crazy lol it gets worse when he really tired and is due for a nap and we are not home :(
@Kendi Girl!! if my little one misses a nap it’s GAME over for us haha
I hate to use this term because I don’t like it but when i google all i see is “ terrible 2” my little girl just turned 18 months and she has been doing tantrums when i say NO to something or don’t do something quick enough. Based on my reading it’s them not being able to self regulate and explain themselves to us yet. I also read it’s a phase be firm & loving to them and they will outgrown it. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 May the force be with us