@Sofya Same! My son was like this when he was younger but has recently started again. He still goes to his class at church but if im in the room with him anywhere if I or anyone he is close to leaves he freaks out and starts crying and will hold on to us😕 hoping its just a phase and when he starts talking more he will be able to be more vocal about it!
Yessss! I can't go to the bathroom without her. She only wants to fall asleep in my arms. She acts like husband has cooties 🤣
My toddler is being like this again I can’t do anything alone without him freaking out. He used to be fine without me and go to small daycare classes at the gym or church but now he doesn’t want to stay for the whole time I think it’s cause he’s been sick recently I’m hoping it goes away soon. He had it before when he was 18 months old and it went away after a while he will be 3 next month.