First day/ night home

We got to leave the hospital today with our newborn. We had her on 3/5 and she had a few complications ended up in the Special Care Nursery (a level 2 NICU) this morning she was cleared and we got to bring her home! After being home I have found myself almost unable to stop crying because I have convinced myself that I can't do this or that I am going to fail. Logically ik these are not true statements but just looking for others who have or are experiencing this so I don't feel so alone. Any advice is welcome.
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Hey take it one step at a time. Can I ask has your milk come in yet? Because when your milk comes in you can get extremely emotional. I think your worries may stem from your baby needing special care. Whatever happened you need to know it’s not your fault and if your baby wasn’t ready to be at home with you they wouldn’t be. The fact that you’re so worried about being able to do it or failing means you’re worried enough to care - that right there says you’re going to be an awesome, loving mama! I have 3 children and still have moments when I cry or worry if I’m doing a good enough job. You’re not alone! Don’t hesitate to reach out to people either. Being a ftm is so hard, you’re learning a new and different normal while having an innocent life solely depend on you. It can be scary, worrisome, anxiety inducing but it is also joyful, amazing and rewarding. Reach out to your hospital, get a birth debrief it might help process some of the whys, speak to family/friends & your HV

The first month was very overwhelming but every day it gets better and you get to know your baby better. You can do this! My baby is 3 months now and I feel more like myself and love my baby so much. :)

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! I had baby blues after the birth of my son. For about 2 weeks I wanted to cry over the smallest things, good or bad. I was SO overwhelmed and had thoughts of “how can I possibly do this?” “I’m going to have to do this for this child’s entire life” even “was this a good idea”. All overwhelming thoughts that would come and go. I think it’s a natural thing to think. We change our entire lives and focus in one day, and right after going through a huge physical stressor/trauma! Give yourself grace to feel overwhelmed, and know that you will get through it and be the best mama to your baby! Also talk to those around you, and to your doctor. Baby blues lasts in the beginning of post partum, but PP depression and anxiety can last longer. Seek the support you need, your mental health is important in this time as well! You are already the best mother to your baby, you will find strength I promise. 🤍

You are definitely not alone. Around day 3-5 I believe I was crying constantly and couldn’t stop. It was horrible and such a weird feeling. There are so many hormones that are out of balance, your milk is coming in and you’ve just experienced one of the biggest life changing events in your life. It is totally normal and it will get better. Give yourself grace and let yourself feel all the emotions. You’ve got it and you are doing great!

@Sharnee my milk has come in for sure. She is suddenly refusing to breast feed so I'm pumping and bottle feeding with what I have pumped. We always try to nurse before we give the bottle but her suddenly today not wanting to nurse makes me feel like I've failed somehow.

@Hannah oh mama you haven’t failed! From one mama to another you’re doing an amazing job and it’s a tough gig. Get lots of skin to skin and keep offering breast but I’m sure you are absolutely doing your best right now! Your let down might be stronger now your milk has come in which could also be affecting baby and her refusal?

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