Growth scan

Hey all, I've got an upcoming growth scan on Monday because apparently my fundal height is measuring on the lower side for gestational age. Feeling a bit apprehensive about how much I should even take this scan on unless there's a very obvious issue (placental failure, low amniotic fluid, etc.). I've seen SO MANY ladies comment about how inaccurate the measurements are and that they weight is always wildly off. The last thing I want is to be told baby is measuring too small/large and ending up being coaxed into an unnecessary cesarean when I want a natural vaginal birth. How did all of your growth scans go if you had one? Just trying to gauge how this might go and any decisions I might have to make.
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I had one which showed my baby to be huge. They predicted 99th+ centile, about 10lb, and I'm tiny so they were worried and had us planning induction and C-section etc. I went into spontaneous labour 2 weeks early and he was 7lb 8oz so I very much doubt he would have been 10lb 2 weeks later. How do you feel? Does the baby feel small? I never thought my son felt big at all

My son was measuring 8lbs 3oz at 36 weeks and was 10lbs at birth, so that one was pretty accurate since they gain about a lb ever two weeks at that point. All his before that said he was going to be big and they were honestly pretty spot on growth wise. However I also had one 2 days before he was born and it said 11lbs 9oz because there wasn't enough room to get accurate measurements. There is a 15% margin of error on the ultrasound measurements.

My nephew measured small (like really small). She gave birth naturally to a little boy just over 6lb (had gestational diabetes) and prem clothes were big on him. he is 5 and only just grown out of 1 to 2. Other then that he is a very healthy happy boy with nothing else wrong with him

My growth scans were pretty accurate. My last scan was at 39 weeks predicted weight 7lb she was born at 40+2 at 7lb 2oz

Mine were always way off, I had growth scans initially as they said she was too big and then ended up being induced at 39 weeks as she was then classed as being too small, she was born 8lb 1 when they had been saying around 6lb x

I had several extra growth scans with my daughter late in pregnancy because there were several times that she measured three weeks ahead of her gestational age. It ended up being due to extra amniotic fluid. My OB never tried to convince me to have a cesarean even though she was positive that baby was going to be around 9.5lbs (she was 7lbs11oz). There's a good chance the fundal measurement was just inaccurate because that's very common but I think it would be a good idea to do the growth scan. If your baby has been measuring on track for the entire pregnancy and now isn't, they are just wanting to make sure that amniotic fluid levels are good, baby's umbilical cord isn't knotted, and that everything else looks ok. In my experience, those growth scans are always very non invasive and only take about 10 minutes plus it's fun getting to see little bean ☺️

I had a growth scan at 37 weeks because my she was measuring small. Her measurements were right on, she was measuring in the 1-5% at about 5.5 pounds and she was born 3 days later at 5.8 pounds. Diagnosed with FGR due to placental failure. I know the growth scans can be off quite a bit in either direction but I’m thankful I trusted my gut and the measurements and she came when she did. She has thrived since birth and caught up in % tiles quickly. I personally believe she was better out than in, but every mama should weigh the situation and make informed decisions that feel best. Good luck 🤍

Fundal height measurement showed baby to be massive, 2 growth scans since have shown them on 60th percentile so for me they just proved the fundal measurement to be wrong. I liked getting the extra peace of mind and also finding out baby is head down!

I had multiple between week 34-37 after my baby was flagged as being large on a scan to double check the placenta position (my bump measured 50th). I had my last growth scan at 37 weeks and was told that they were certain he was a very large baby. He came out weighing about 1lb 5 less than they predicted and just under the 75th percentile. I was really pushed into getting induced or a c section but i refused and accepted that i would have an induction if he was 5 days over due. I thankfully went into labour naturally, it ended in an emergency c section after my baby turned into a funny position and got stuck, but honestly i wouldn’t change refusing the early intervention. I felt the same that unless something was wrong, i wanted the chance to see if my body could do it naturally and they were wrong on how big he would be

My first I was induced at 39 weeks as baby was small and he was 6lbs. I have growth scans again this time round and have our first one on Thursday. I think this one will be small too as my bump is pretty much the same size as last time and I'm 28 weeks on Tuesday.

@Hazel yes it seems like they're either predicted to be one on end of the spectrum, never seemingly a normal "on-target" weight. He feels pretty much exactly how I'd probably expect him to. I don't think he will be a big baby, definitely on the smaller side, but not concerningly small either!

@Cheyann Thank you! You don't see many people mentioning that they measured pretty accurately. Thanks for the stat too!

@Helen oh wow they really were so close on that prediction! I'd love to know why it seems that some people have accurate predictions and others seem to be completely wrong 🤔

I keep getting sent for them because my bump is small I’ve been measuring 25.5 since I was 31 weeks but baby is measuring fine unless there is something obviously wrong I wouldn’t take much I had one at 34 weeks and I got told baby was measuring on time and just above the 50th percentile and she was weighing 5lbs

@Sian This is a super frustrating experience for you I bet! I will probably opt for an induction around the same time if able, but really want to try and let him come when he's ready to prevent as many interventions as I can (I know that's not always possible though). Thanks for sharing!

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@Kristina Oh I absolutely will be going even if just for another cheeky peek at my boy 😁 definitely wouldn't want to not go and then miss a completely preventab issue! I've never been hugely invested in the fundal height measurements, hoping he is expected to be just right. ☺️ Can you share a bit about your experience with extra fluid? Did they make any suggestions for earlier induction or anything?

@Brielle Thank you brielle! Fgr does worry me and must have been difficult for you to go through but so glad to hear she is now doing well!

@Kathryn I try not to take my fundal height on too much as I know there's margin for error, but I suppose it's a good tool for catching things early. ☺️ It'll be nice seeing baby again before he's due to come and definitely true about the position! I try to trust in my midwifes expertise and she says he is head down so I'll get to see how correct that is 😁

@Louisa So glad you had the confidence to wait for baby to be ready and are still happy with your decision, hoping I can have the same experience!

@Nina hoping I can opt for induction over section, but both scare me in different ways 😂 how was your induction if you don't mind sharing?

@Samantha Thanks for sharing! I think my last fundal measurement was 32cm at my 34 week appointment, so it's not a large margin by any means. I'm hoping it's just because he's changed position so is giving me a bit of a flatter bump 🤞

@Kim me too but unfortunately for one of my friends they were wrong and said baby was head down when he was breech :( so because of that I’m a bit skeptical even though they’ve been right every time they’ve checked mine!

@Kim yeah I’ve been told it’s because of the way baby’s laid as baby is now head down so she’s not sticking out as much anymore unless she moves

@Kim it all depends on how baby is laying I believe. I had a few interesting umbilical cord readings during my pregnancy which meant I had a few emergency scans which showed everything was fine

@Kathryn that's exactly what I've been concerned about! I can hardly tell what I'm feeling half the time and even when demonstrated to me, I'm still confused how they tell the head apart from the bum. Hoping she is right and he's not far from dropping when he needs to!

@Helen that makes a lot of sense! Glad everything was okay, everything about the 3rs tri is nerve wrecking 😂

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