Breast milk

Hey everyone! My son is about to be 4 months old and here recently I’ve been noticing my milk smells soapy or almost like metal freshly pumped and he is starting to reject it we use formula also because my supply is so low and he’s starting to only wanting formula when he has my milk all he does it gag and spit up I know fed is best but I’m not sure how to go about drying up my supply I’ve been stressing myself trying to fix my milk and my supply it’s been so stressful and I’m lost what should I do
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I would recommend a lactation specialist over this issue just to get better advice. Could be a number of things. Your diet, or hormones.

Or neither you being the issue. I would recommend a specialist.

@Esther I reached out to mine but I won’t hear back till Monday

Ahhh that’s a little bit later. I know it’s frustrating when we answers immediately. My aunt is an OBGYN not sure she might have an idea. I can ask. Doesn’t hurt to. I know it’s not really her area of expertise

I had to dry up my milk. I was pumping every 3 hours so I started pumping every 3.5 hours and then moved my pump time from 20 minutes to 15 minutes. I kept going like that until I was only pumping twice a day and finally could stop. I also used cabbage leaves, wore a supportive but not too tight bra all the time, and used Cabo crème. I did get mastitis during this process but after a few weeks I was good to go.

@Brianna as of right now my pump schedule is so bad I just went back to work so I’m only able to pump every 4-5 hours and even then I only get half a ounce so it’s super low

You probably have high lipase levels in your breast milk, it’s perfectly safe for baby but is noticeable when pumped or stored and then warmed back up. Maybe you can try mixing it in with formula? Or feeding from the breast? You can also scald the milk once expressed and it will help reduce the smell/taste. Hope that helps!

Sounds like high lipase. I've never had to deal with it personally so I'm no expert but have heard that addi g a splash of vanilla extract helps? Could be something worth looking into at least

@Sandra thank you for the comment! He won’t latch but every now and then so I have to pump I’ll try those methods thank you

@Lexi thank you

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