failed breastfeeding

anyone else feel really disappointed they failed at breastfeeding? i tried so so hard and tried getting help from midwives and lactation consultants and baby just wasn’t interested in my boob at all after the first couple days. i tried pumping but gave true elastic nipples so it’s so so painful for me and i’m really upset using formula even though i’m just happy he’s fed
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I had this and felt like I’d failed but I’ve managed one feed per day with the help of some nipple shields as she just couldn’t latch… For pumping are you using the right size flange that usually leads to a source of pain if your using one that’s too big/small? Or is your pump not powerful enough? I changed pumps to the Momcosy M5 and have found it was more comfortable than my previous one 💓 A friend recommended I also use a bit of olive oil on my nipple before I start pumping and I have found it makes the first few moments slightly more comfortable - but pumping and feeding shouldn’t hurt for the full duration 💖 But if it doesn’t work for you and it’s hurting you don’t feel bad you’ve tried and that’s amazing - your baby boy will grow up a happy little thing with your love regardless of whether he’s had a bit of boobie or not 💫

@Lula i have elastic nipples which are great for breastfeeding but unfortunately are terrible for pumping. even if i use the correct flange size, because of how stretchy my nipple and areola both are, it either clogs the flange or reaches the end of the tube and really hurts so i don’t think pumping was made for me unfortunately. my issue with breast feeding was that baby just would not open his mouth, he barely does for a bottle and a teat is a lot easier to prompt into his mouth. i’ll definitely keep giving it a go to try and get him on the boob, i just don’t have much hope

Oh bless you! I didn’t realise what that mean so sorry for my ramble 💓 If you haven’t already is there anyway midwife’s could get you a referral to the feeding clinic at the hospital to check out his pallet to see why he isn’t opening his mouth much? Either way sounds frustrating to say the least - you sound like a tough cookie so kudos for being so determined to persevere! You’re boy is lucky to have you 🥰

I tried to breastfeed my 2nd and 3rd children and my 2nd had tongue tie and I gave up at day 5 because I was in so much pain. My 3rd was so fussy and later found out she had allergies to milk, I gave up at 2 weeks with her, she was a homebirth born during 2nd national lock down so I didn't get the support with midwife checking latch etc. This time with my 4th he was born in hospital via c section and I was in for 24 hrs and was able to get alot of feeding advice to help with latch. I have also been to a breastfeeding support group and had some help from hv, he may have tongue tie but not as severe as baby number 2. I'm currently awaiting to get it looked at and potentially snipped. I'm getting worried at the idea of failing a 3rd time (definitely my last I've now been sterelised) it's so hard, especially when your baby doesn't open mouth wide enough and then u end up getting stressed trying to get the latch right. When I gave up with 2nd and 3rd I was able to eventually get over the feeling of failure tho 😊

My son is the same, I have to practically force a bottle into his mouth cause he just won't open and screamed when I offered boob. I bought nipple shields yesterday, and I've managed to get him to take boob for the first time! Do you have any breastfeeding support groups near you?

BF is so bloody hard, everyone makes it seem like its the most natural thing in the world when in reality it's hard work and a learned skill (like driving a car). I'm having the same issues with my baby with him not opening his mouth it's super frustrating. I am having to strip him to his nappy before every feed and do skin to skin, wet him a bit etc and that seems to be the only way he opens a bit more but it takes a long time. At night it's hopeless so for the 3am feed I am pumping and giving him that, and any time when I feel he hasn't drank properly. If you can get past the first few months it does become the easiest method of feeding, and then it does become second nature (just like driving does eventually). Don't feel bad for pumping or supplementing with formula, or if it's really affecting your mental health then don't feel bad at all for switching fully. This is all coming from someone who BF their first for 13months and it still didn't come naturally for me this time around, so don't feel bad!

I’ve just had my second and I tried really hard to breast feed both and I wasn’t successful each time. The first time it was due to misinformation I was given and the second time she just wouldn’t latch and I become miserable with the pain and I’ve pumped for 5 weeks but I’m having to stop because it just doesn’t work for me this time. It’s really hard and something I’ll kick myself for forever but at least your baby is fed. Your not alone

I am in the same boat. My little girl is 9 days old and cannot latch on. She doesn’t open her mouth enough to get on. It’s soo disheartening but I was told it’s a skill you both have to learn and it can take time. I am pumping to top up as my little one lost weight so i felt so guilty! We are doing our best, that’s all we can do!

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