Just found out my husband had an OF account and has been messaging this girl he used to talk and get with before we met. We’ve been together for so long and I just don’t know what to do. He got his account a month after us getting married and has been using it ever since. I always let him watch porn if I was sleeping or what not, but this was out of line. He was so desperate to meet her and fuck her and kept saying that in the messages I read. I confronted him two days ago and asked him if he’s been hiding something and he lied but after I told him everything he said he knew exactly where I was going when I asked that. He got me flowers and said he feels like a piece of shit and never did anything with anyone in person. I don’t know if I can believe him after him lying in the first place when I asked him if he was hiding something. I don’t know how to move forward. I don’t believe in divorce and want our daughter to know what a loving relationship looks like but every time I look at him now I wonder if he was thinking about her when he was banging me this whole time.
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I'm so sorry that you're going through this,you're not alone 🤍Had the same issue with my ex. Please don't believe him. As someone who believed his lies got pregnant twice it doesn't have an end. I know you're worried you want your daughter to have a loving family but it isn't fair on you and later on it will get worse. You need to be a role model for your daughter to not expect any less. Maybe you don't have to divorce but you could co-parent, live in the same house but not have any emotional expectations with each other so your daughter doesn't have to experience the breakup. I hope this helps and if you want to talk more feel free to pm x

I’d rather have my children know a loving relationship separately than be with somebody like that! If he thinks the grass is greener on the other side then let him go, 9/10 they never stop he’s just trying to sweeten you up

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