Yeah. My recommendations would be same as @Marcelina.
But if in the future your breast really hurt. Try the rite aid hydrogel breast discs. For $9. It’s really good. I only used it after baby was 9 months and had teeth which caused my nipples to hurt.
Perineal ice/heat packs - not worth the hassle and price, they give you these at hospital for free! Silverettes - I used these, I’d put a couple drops of breast milk in them and they worked a treat! Sorest cracked nipples were pretty much healed every time I used them. Peri wash bottles - good to have on hand if you end up tearing/cut. Also, witch hazel!!! Colostrum collection kits - before purchasing these I would contact the hospital or any birthing classes as they supply for free.
I haven't but from someone who has given birth three times (vaginal births) and breastfed each child, I would recommend saving your money and making postpartum padsicles instead for a fraction of that price. Just Google postpatrum padsicles. It's basically maternity pads soaked in aloe vera and witch hazel and frozen. It's perfect for those early postpartum days. You will also be given ice packs while in hospital. I never needed ice packs while breastfeeding. For cracked nipples, the best remedy is using your own expressed breastmilk and letting them air dry. 100% pure lanolin is also great. These are good interim fixes while you get your latch fixed, as breastfeeding shouldn't be causing pain/discomfort but it's common in the early days to experience some initial problems like that.