Bottle teat size

I am exclusively breastfeeding but have given my daughter the odd bottle of expressed milk so I can leave her if needed but noticed a difference in her latch. I wanted to try the lansinoh test but wasn’t sure what flow she should have? She’s 11 weeks old. How do you know if they need a faster flow??
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I was told to always give a breastfed baby the slowest teats because it mimics the breast and you don’t run the risk of them favouring the bottle over breast x

Yes, I was told the same - we’re in lansinoh 1 and have no problems switching between breast and bottle.

Actually whatever the smallest is! Might be 0 or 1, I forget!

@Katherine thank you! The size small (slow flow) says 1+ month does that sound right? X

We use the slow flow from lansinoh and my baby takes it really well ( she's 12 weeks). I'd say get the slow and try it!

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