Weaning and formula

Not sure if this is a stupid question Been weaning our 7 month old for a little while now and she’s been eating absolutely fine and drinking water. She used to drink 210ml bottles (7oz) between solids however she now won’t even finish her 180ml (6oz) bottles. When weaning do you lower the formula consumption as well? When do you wean formula out completely.
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My boy just naturally cut out bottles, once he was on 3 meals he was down to 4 bottles then a few weeks later dropped to 3 and then he’s been on 2 bottles for about 6/8 weeks now and now he’s cutting down his morning bottle from 8 to 6oz x

Yes, we've found this too. Baby is 8 months next week and on 2 meals a day. He's dropped from 900ml to 600ml daily intake in the past couple of weeks. They do begin to taper off milk intake, so we've gone from 5 to 4 bottles, but they are always max 180ml where previously he'd drink 200+ml bottles no problem. He's still sleeping through and seems happy and hydrated so I'm just following his lead. You can probably drop a feed and spread them out now and baby will still be averaging out the right amount.

Hey mama As far as I know, formula continues until they are 1 and then it's whole milk (or non dairy alternative etc). If you Google your baby's month age it will tell you how many oz it's recommended for them to drink. Mines 8months old and the HV told me he needs 20-25oz in a day

The official line is keep offering bottles of formula until age 1. However every child is different and takes to weaning quicker than others. My first was like yours he took to food so fast. 3 meals by 7.5 months and would maybe do one bottle of formula throughout the day and I I’d get one into him when he woke up. My second took ages and even at 1 he was still on a lot of milk to supplement the lack of food! Just go with how your baby is doing.

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