Night time wakings

At the moment I’m up in the night (on a good night!) once to change/feed my 13 week old LO - anywhere between 3-5am seems to be what’s happening at the moment. However before the night feed, he is often waking up, being restless for a few minutes, a bit of fussing and then he seems to go back to sleep. Does anyone else have this? I am grateful to only be doing one proper feed at the moment but could do without the other wake ups as this can be hourly from about 1/2am (even if he does seem to go back to sleep…) - any thoughts/advice? Thank you!
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Mine is forever restless between 3-4 but seems like he’s just getting himself comfortable again / self soothing with a bit of thrashing about. He’ll do similar at around 5 but I tend to feed him at that pint so he’ll sleep a bit longer. What happens if you wait it out?

Thanks Jess - I do try to wait it out to see if he actually needs a feed or is just a temporary wake. The problem is just a v disturbed nights sleep for only one night feed! Do you think he’s just waking between cycles, having a bit of a fuss and then going back to sleep? I do the same - feeding about 4/5 to then try and get another couple of hours sleep out of him.

That’s definitely what mine does, seems similar - sometimes I have to actively get up and rock him back to sleep but it usually works! Totally agree that it doesn’t count as a rested night’s sleep 😅

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