Sleep suits
How many sleep suits did you buy of each size before baby was here? I have got a lot of outfits but realised I probably don’t have enough sleep suits and they will probably be in them a lot.
Particularly interested in those of you who didn’t find out the gender. I’m not finding out so all the sleepsuits I have are white or grey atm and I don’t want too many of the same colour as I’m planning on getting more once they are here
Before baby was here I just bought newborn and 0-3 month size. Tbh you probably don't need newborn size as they only fit tiny babies, it's a bit deceptive. I bought so much that she was too big for when she was born. I tried to get between 10 and 14 of each item. Sometimes you go through lots in one day, depends how much you want to put a baby wash on. We do one every few days at the moment for our 2 week old x