@Gina my girl just manages to finish 4oz I wish she’d have more
Sounds like you’re doing all the right things! Some advice we’ve heard is to try a “dream feed” between 11p-11:30p, or to have the non-feeding parent go in to settle/soothe with pacifier, rocking, & shushing. Sometimes if the feeding parent goes in, it can be comfort feeding more than just hunger, but you’ll know when they need to eat vs not.
@Sarah my girl wakes up minute I put a bottle near here so I can never dream feed , I’m lucky if she’ll have 4oz before bed
My baby does the same, we can’t get him to sleep through it and he’s 2.5 months. We’ve tried feeding more but it hasn’t worked. Hoping he’ll grow out of it.
I know all babies are different but what has been working for me is making her last bottle around 5oz while all her other bottles are 4oz. She wakes up to start her day at 730 and we usually have the last bottle between 1030 and 1130 and she's been sleeping through the night for the past month now.