Perinatal team

I’m due to give birth anytime now and have been referred to the perinatal team due to just feeling anxious, they did say if I didn’t meet criteria they would advise other services but they have sent me a letter taking me under their care as ‘moderate’ now I’m panicking thinking there definitely is something wrong with me? Is it only when you have mental health they care for you?
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Yes they are there to support you if you are experiencing any struggles with your mental health, which anxiety falls under. Please know that it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you, only that you need some support which they will be able to provide. It’s fantastic that your providers have been proactive about making sure you have this in place and they will be able to ensure you get everything you need to feel strong and ready for motherhood.

Would anxiety not be a mild concern? To then signpost me to other services instead? Or do they feel my symptoms meet the criteria. I’m also on a moderate pathway?

Hi chick . Try not to stress. I went in to my midwife in a complete panic around 20 weeks as the anxiety was just horrendous around whether baby was ok. They referred me to perinatal and I had a home visit and ultimately have been referred to a consultant and for cbt . All the consultant has discussed is looking at medication to prevent post natal mental health etc. I was worried they were going to refer me on to all sorts but it truly is just to keep you comfortable and coping. Naturally the anxiety you are feeling will make you panic more but I promise it’s so common and isn’t anything to worry about . (In my case I was on a low dose of anti anxiety meds before pregnancy and they ultimately explained that because of blood volume increase the meds wouldn’t work as well ! Since speaking with the team they upped the dose and have had a couple check in appointments nothing major ! )

It just means they recognise you are experiencing moderate anxiety which they are able to support you with. It’s a good thing. If you needed antibiotics for a moderate chest infection and they sign posted you to OTC paracetamol that would be careless, think of it that way. I’ve struggled with anxiety on and off for a long time and support always helps.

I have been under perinatal supervision and medication. There is no need to worry. They are there to ensure you're well and the baby is well. They also offer baby massage classes and a circle of security, which is brilliant to help with understanding how to foster secure attachment. They are not there to do anything other than to support you.

Thank you ladies, I didn’t really want to open the letter until after birth and I’ve had a sleepless night thinking all sorts.. does anyone know what the moderate pathway consists of? And is this the mild, common symptoms pathway? Or does it just start with moderate pathway as the lowest?

You're focusing on the wrong end of the situation. Irrespective of your status on the charts, they won't force anything on you. As long as you stay in contact attend required appointments, they will let you on your merry way. They assign clas based on their perceived thoughts as there may be a possibility of you struggling after birth with PPA. So, in that case, you may need additional support. The classification is not static and will change according to your emotions and experiences.

It just worries me as when reading what the service is actually for it says complex and serve mental health.

Try to focus on the fact that you have support rather than what they’re classifying you as. The classification is more for them than you. You are in control, all they will do is make sure you have what you need to feel happy, strong and healthy.

I got referred to them as a high risk just before having my second. Please don't think anything is wrong with you. It's not. The referral usually reference an increase chance of PND. I know it's hard but you need to stop worrying about what they've sign posted you as. That's for the professionals, and with most things if you put an actual name on it it makes it seems way worse then it is. It's about what you are feeling. If your anxious, nervous, worried etc. The days of being marked as depressed and having baby taken off you because of that are long gone. They are their to help and support you through a complete life changing moment.

I was doing fine until I opened the letter. I’m due any day now and I had panic attack yesterday, feeling very out of body so I opened the letter for some reason and it says I’ve been put on moderate pathway.

I almost feel labelled like there is something wrong with me now I’m on the moderate pathway and actually been accepted as a patient under their care.

Then if you feel you're fine then forget the letter. After baby's born they'll come to see you or phone, and you can talk to them and explain it to them.

I was under the perinatal team & after the birth of my son , I texted them to say I was fine & they never bothered me again. I did have an assessment which I was truthfully with but I honestly wanted the contact with them to be over . But all they did was look out for me & it’s best to be honest with them with your feelings as all they want to do is help you (and it was important to turn to the appointments ) x

Thanks for all your experiences it means a lot xxx

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Rani did they put you on a moderate pathway?

Moderate is basically the lowest they will deal with. You can refuse anything they offer and you don’t have to stay under their services if you don’t want to. All they want to do is support you with your anxiety. The treatment could literally be as basic as someone calling you once a week to check how you are doing for a few weeks and if you are doing well they will discharge you and if you are struggling they can increase their support

I was on the crisis pathway initially where they kept ringing me afternoon & morning but not for long, then the contact dropped to every 2 days (maybe moderate then ) x

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