
is it okay to feel overstimulated when baby just screams a lot lol, last night I cried so much with a lack of sleep and I’m 6 months post Partum, does anyone feel like this sometimes im a single mummy to a beautiful boy and I love him so much, just sometimes I burst out crying or I feel guilty because I told him please stop, I have cried basically all week I’m thinking it is PPD?
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Hi! I definitely feel you, it’s hard to deal with all of this, I’m overstimulated all the time and it’s honestly a really tough job. I started therapy a month ago and it’s helped so much already. Definitely a bit of PPD for me, it was very important to recognise that for me! Working on my overstimulation (undiagnosed adhd) and my feelings of anger and guilt with my therapist because it’s so overwhelming. Gonna buy some Flare or poop earplugs this week to help with the overstimulation from noise, worth looking into I think!

@Mieke aww I hope you feel like yourself again :) x I’m thinking about contacting my GP and asking for advice, and I will definitely look at it. I feel guilty when I tell him stop sometimes I just let him because he’s finding his voice but there’s times where I have lack of sleep and he screams and I get really worked up and I just cry, I might look into a therapist definitely

Yes, currently feeling like this so you are not alone and being a single Mum must be tough as well

@Becky ❤️ it’s hard but I’m so glad that me and him are out of toxicity, and I hope you feel like yourself again your doing great x

I am sorry you’re going through this, you’re definitely not alone ❤️ sometimes when I get overwhelmed by the baby moans I play some music I like on my headphones and this way I hear him a lot less and can calm myself. Obviously if you’re still in the room and he is not in pain, no harm to block the noise!

Lack of sleep is a killer, and when baby is crying it's even worse. I often feel overwhelmed. I had ppd with my son and pretty sure I've got it again but it feels different. There's no shame in it all. Contact your GP.

Its completely normal the best thing to do is put them down in their bed go out the room for a few mins to gather yourself

Absolutely! I find headphones helped when my eldest couldn’t settle (obviously when I was holding him attempting to sooth, not when I’m in another room lol) x

Try earplugs or head phones with music when they are crying alot x

Thank you so much everyone honestly I appreciate it all 🥹🫶🏼 you guys are amazing

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