What month did your baby grow hair?

My daughter is 4.5 months and still has just a little bit of peach fuzz. I’m seeing a lot of babies her age with full heads of hair and just curious when everyone’s babies started to get hair! I love my little bald babe but am looking forward to getting to style it 🥰
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My sons had hair, and my daughter was born with blonde, super-short hair, and not a lot of it. But now, at 7 months, you can actually see her hairline! 😂😍

I actually checked yesterday because my son was bald as a baby and my daughter is as well, and it started growing after his first birthday.

I have a friend who's baby is 1.5yo and she can barely grab her hair for some type of bow. Good luck

My baby is 3 months and still has just a little bit of hair. It’s so cute tho

My son is 4 months and is completely bald ....but I myself was 2 years old before I had any hair at all 🤣 and even then I looked like a boy until about 3 because it was so short.

Twin B was born with hair. Twin A was bald for the first year or so and then grew a skullet that didn’t fill in at the top until around 2 🤣

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