Pram/Car Seat

Very lucky that my parents have offered to pay for a pushchair for me but I have a question! I’d absolutely love the Silver Cross Reef 2 but I also don’t want to take the p*ss😂 So my next favourite that I looked at was the Silver Cross Dune. I’d be getting the bundle BUT the isofix base I ideally want is the rotating one which doesn’t seem to come with it. Is it worth me just buying the car seat and base separately? Also, do the adapters mean I can get any car seat for the pram? If anyone also knows where I can get a seat and base for a decent price that would also be helpful! Sorry for all the questions and thank you!😂🫶🏼
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I am also getting the silver cross dune for the exact reasons you are looking at! I ended up settling for the silver cross bases and seat which I think i will regret, I would say shop around and see if you can get the cybex cloud T and base at a good price separately to the travel system and/or compare bundle prices! They are so hit and miss it just worked out best for us bundle wise to settle unfortunately! The adaptors do mean that most car seats are compatible but I would by far say cybex one is the best and 100% compatible with the dune x

Adding to this, I’m sure I read John Lewis was doing some good offers, I think if you book a baby appointment or something you get money off? Baby brain, I can’t remember! X

Sorry to spam these comments, if you haven’t already and are set on the reef/dune. Get hands on with them, I loved the reef but really swung to the dune as I am clearly weak AF and struggled handing the reef because of the weight! And that was without a baby in it x

@Becca One of the reasons I liked the Dune was because it wasn’t so heavy! Yeah I think most places give you money off when you spend a certain amount. What I might end up doing then is waiting to get the rotating base until he’s a bit bigger. Oh god, it’s just so much to think about!😂😂 xx

@Lauren we bought an ex display Cybex pram set from mama & papa’s, maybe go pram shopping and see which one you like? I have also heard from another mum that the Reef was too heavy for her.

@Lauren honestly I was shocked at the weight! The way I’ve seen it is as much as I wanted rotating, it’s my first time so what I don’t know won’t hurt me and we will be doing the exact same and just “upgrading” so to speak when they run out of the size as we also want to get a doona later on x

@Becca yes John Lewis give you 15% off £1,000 or 20% off £2,000 on nursey items which include prams seats etc. I’m purchasing the Reef 2 with the Cybex seat. You have to attend the appointment to received the discount codes but they only take 10 mins and you get to test everything

@Katherine I did go to look at some, the reef is just a dream😂 I’ll probably end up with the dune or there was a mamas and papas one I liked, can’t remember which one though! X

@Lauren I was originally going to go for a mamas and papas occaro but once I played around with the silver cross ones, the memory buttons are so much easier. Apparently m and p just haven’t gotten with the times, so basically you have to press certain buttons at the same time to release things which could be difficult in the moment. But silver cross ones means you can press one at a time and it holds so you can then release if that makes sense?! X

@Becca I also thought about just getting the doona! I guess the best thing is to just go with the flow for now. I wanted the rotating base mainly because I know there’s a stage where getting children in a car seat can be a nightmare so at least if it’s facing outwards it’ll be easier😂 xx

@Lauren so the doona isn’t recommended for first couple/few months unless for very short periods of time due to the recline etc. Professionals will be able to advise much better than me! But it’s a no brainer we will eventually be getting one for sure x

Hiya! I bought both the reef and dune and personally prefer the reef as it’s so much easier for walks with the larger wheels. I bought several prams and definitely have loved my silver cross reef the most in Leicester.. things like parent facing was brill when my boy was younger. It lies completely flat - great for naps on the go. Lovely sunshade for sunny days if they fall asleep. I use the reef daily, currently 6 months preg and still have zero issues lifting it in and out the car boot. I ended up buying so many diff prams because people kept telling me I won’t enjoy a heavier pram. Now I’ve been through it my advice for any new mum is go with the one you like! I have never once thought it’s heavy personally. Not compared to my baby jogger running pram anyway lol car seats I have both the Cybex with base and the Silvercross with base, both are fine and do the job. Early days having the adaptors for pram base was a must. And if you travel a lot .. definitely get the babyzen yoyo X

@Becca I thought the new versions did recline? Or have I just made that up in my head🤔 x

@Lauren it does indeed! But I’m sure it’s not enough or something, I can’t remember! Pram shopping was actually the most stressful part of the buying process for me😂😂 so much information! X

@Sonam This is so helpful, thank you! Honestly I fell in love with the reef but the thought of asking my parents to spend that much on a pram is a lot🙈 Both my parents and my partners parents have both said Silver Cross is a really good brand to go with though which is another reason I’m leaning more towards them xx

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@Lauren there’s definitely things I bought that were a waste of money being an inexperienced expectant first time mum such as a baby swing, swaddles, formula making machine (used twice) amongst lots of other things I’m probably forgetting. One thing you wont regret is buying the right pram for you. I know there’s lots of info out there and I made the mistake of listening to advice of others who kept telling me it’s too heavy for me. In hindsight if I knew better I could save on all the things I never needed like the tommee tippee prep machine, Madela breast pump, baby booties and I’d have just bought the pram I wanted to begin with. In my case I’m now expecting twins so after all that I now have to buy another pram 😂

I’m not well versed in either of those Silver Cross items, sorry, but just popped on to say be cautious with travel systems, as they often don’t have the best quality car seats. For the best advice on car seat safety, try a group like this: ❤️

@Becca It’s becoming the most stressful for me, I thought I’d pick a peak, order it and that would be that😂😂 x

@Sonam oh gosh, that’s so typical!😂😂 I’m seeing my mum in a few weeks and going to order it then so I’ll talk with her about it and see where we end up xx

@Becca Is this the group everyone always goes on about? If so I may avoid it because I’ve not heard some great things in the past few weeks!😳🫣

@Lauren erm, hard to tell, as I’m not sure which one everyone goes on about haha. There was one that was jointly administered by multiple people including 1 particular individual, who I would personally recommend they seek medical help and psychotherapy 🤣 but then, extremely suddenly, under a large bizarre sweary cloud, she left that group, and the whole car seat situation 🤣 and they’ve started a new group, to get away from her legacy, and the remaining admins are really really nice, and really really knowledgeable. Promise 👌🏻🤣❤️

@Becca Oh well I guess that must be the one I’m on about although I’m sad I’ve missed the drama now😂😂 xx

@Lauren there are many many videos + posts online about the individual 👀

@Becca I shall go digging, a perfect night time read💁🏼‍♀️

I literally just found a car seat on marketplace for £30 and I trusted the seller when they said it hadn't been in a crash and it turned out they were selling the pram that matched it all to for another £100 so bought that too. It was a silver cross and we've really lucked out for not having read up on all the other possibilities. Can't remember which model I have... it doesn't have a turning base but the car seat is compatible with the pram which is handy and ideal to move babe if they have fallen asleep on a journey rather than hoist them out of a turning car seat/wait in the car until she wakes. We used this for the first year or maybe 15 months with my first baby but now she's outgrown that seat and is bigger to lift we appreciate the turning base of the next car seat up. Still absolutely more than happy to use the stationary isofix for baby number 2 though.

@Kat Amazing. I shall definitely wait until needed for the turning base then! Xx

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