@Kimberley yes I am! Thanks so much x
I used nipple shields until I could wean my baby off them at 4 months old. He’s still breastfeeding at 15 months! It sounds like a totally normal feeding pattern for a newborn and continuing to latch frequently is how you create supply and demand. Pumping is not an indication of your supply. Frequent wet nappies, gradual weight gain are your best indicators of your supply. I would recommend asking your HV or midwife to put you in touch with your local feeding team as they can be a great support. Or, I personally found my local NCT breastfeeding cafe a much more positive experience and they were so supportive, especially me using nipple shields and being helpful and encouraging vs some health professionals that were critical
Are you in the uk? The breastfeeding network on Facebook have an open inbox where trained volunteers reply, they helped me so so much xx