Advice please 🙏🏻

I’m hoping this is just a stage, my baby girl is just over 3 months old she had her second vaccinations a week ago and since then she has been all over the place. She has her moments of being happy awake, then gets suddenly extremely tired and fights sleep.. I’m having to take her out in the pram for her to nap but can’t always do that.. barely naps during the day and if she does it’s for 20/30 mins max. Come the evening she wants to nap and I try my hardest to keep her awake so she sleeps at night. Shel sleep around 10pm to maybe 4/5 but used to be longer. Tried putting her to bed earlier however will wake up earlier. She is still demand feeds every 2-3 hours but since vaccines every now and then will scream at bottle and not take it. Is anyone else experiencing or has experienced this? I feel like I don’t know my baby all of a sudden 😓😔
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We had this after our first set our vaccinations, we're due second ones on 25th. She also stopped eating and only now has started to regain her appetite ☹️

I have had the same issue it’s changed her whole sleep and I just feel like I have no clue so fussy in afternoons and gets tired so quickly

We have experienced this also. The only bit of advice I can give is keep an eye on her wake windows and nap windows in the day. My LG generally has wake windows of around 1hr20 - 2hrs. I keep an eye out for cues and put her down for a nap so I don’t have an overstimulated babe. The most she has slept through the day now is around 45mins. I had the HV round this week and has mentioned that it’s absolutely normal and common for them to change their sleep pattern at this age. Try the eat, play, sleep routine 🙂

@Katie I’m glad I’m not the only one, I wasn’t sure if she’s maybe starting to teeth also cos I know it is possible at this age.. she’s just SO unsettled. And I feel her wake windows sometimes only last an hour? It worries me. She’s also a nightmare to put down for a nap, I have to rock her silly in my arms and she often wakes when I put her down so in my arms it is just so she gets some sleep! I think a lot of it is overstimulation but it’s so sudden when she’s tired I feel. I’ve also tried that routine however she falls asleep on the bottle sometimes so it messes it all up 😔

@Gemma my daughter is exactly the same as your explained it was getting me down as the wake window deffo isn’t long before she is tired then I have to rock her while she fights her sleep then if put her down she wakes so i have to hold her some times just so she gets some sleep then she only feeds 2 onze then wants a bit more hour later the whole day just is up in the air then try drive somewhere or push her in her pram and she will cry because she hungry or tired x

@Amy it’s so hard isn’t it, we was better a month ago before these jabs started if I’m honest.. she’d sleep through and feed well and I could tell when she was tired etc, now it’s just like she’s crying and moaning constantly throughout the day 😔 x

@Gemma yes all changed after her jabs she was good at night only woke up once some times twice and now I hate the fact they have another lot in few weeks 😭

I know we’ve got ours again end of this month, then that’s it thank god until she’s 1.. and I honestly feel because the nurse had to give her something orally since then she screams at bottles ! I have to trick her with a dummy then give her milk sometimes it breaks my heart. And like right now she’s fast asleep and it’s like is this her telling me this is bedtime? Because I still wanna give her a couple more feeds ! X

@Gemma yeah we thought this with our LG too with the teething as theres been a few times where shes drooling lots, rubbing her ears, has flushed cheeks and is unsettled. I have teething rings for her but she just wont take to them atm. I cant see any teeth coming through so i’m not sure if its just gum pain and the process of them cutting through. Is your little one similar? Wake windows at this age are generally anywhere between an hour to an hour and a half, so an hour is fine 🙂 Me and my partner often joke when we have an overstimulated babe as we have different stages of trying to get her to sleep. Starts off at stage 3 😂😂 rocking, tapping her bum and shushing, then down to stage 1 which is putting her in her bed. Its hard when they’re overstimulated 😔 its not easy is it trying to settle them. Hope your little one settles back into a routine for you though x

@Katie yes exactly the same with the maybe teething thing! Nothings coming through, I even tried giving nurofen the other day but I dunno if it helped. She’s been screaming.. and with the bottle thing too! She also won’t take to teething things yet, pushes them out with disgust lol.. then I thought maybe she needs infacol again so tried that this evening,. I hate guessing! She used to play for longer but definitely since these jabs she’s not been the same x

@Gemma 😂😂 same my LG pushes them out with disgust too. Hoping that as the months go on she takes to it. These jabs have a lot to answer for don’t they 😩 seen lots of comments around the same issue linked to the jabs. Hopefully things settle soon x

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