I didn't even know it was daylight savings until I noticed my clock in the living room 😂 my daughter woke up around 8/9 am, usually takes a nap in the afternoon. It is silly that we change the time but I'm excited for the days to be a little longer and enjoy warm weather! I want to be able to play with my daughter outside and enjoy beautiful nature, she's going to be 1 on the 26th. 🌈🌳🌻
Yes, I too have disdain for daylight savings. My husband lived most of his adult lives in states that do not follow it so he dislikes it as well. We're an anti-daylight savings household. 😆 On the other hand, I do appreciate the extra sunlight and the way it marks the passing seasons. It will still be cold where I am for a couple months but now I know we're almost to summer!
I agree it's stupid these days, but when it was implemented it actually kind of made sense. It was so artificial light was used less during peak daylight hours during WW1 to conserve fuel. Arizona doesn't even do it anymore, and CO has already passed a bill to stop acknowledging DST, but we need three other states in Mountain Time Zone to agree to stop before it goes into effect 🙄
@MK whaaat?? I didn’t know CO passed that bill! Come on, MT Time Zone, let’s gooo. 👏
@Abigail yeah, it passed but unfortunately it won't go into effect until other states get on board so it's essentially useless right now lol
I honestly appreciate that extra hour of sunlight 😌