I would recommend a Hakka my baby went through boob preference for a while I would put my Hakka on the other breast and it even it out very well plus I got a little freezer stash like that
Though she feeds from one are you still pumping the other to get the milk out evenly
@Macdalia the other one has stopped producing much
girl your not alone I've always had a small chest and mine isn't a huge difference so it not that easy to tell unless they are bare. But I hate it and tbh I don't think there's much we can do to make them even again. So it's really a matter of accepting your new self and remembering that they are still beautiful and perfect like the rest of you
If she only feeds from one try holding her like for that boob to get her to on the other side , if you haven't tried it , but get some slightly padded bras to see if that helps even them out for dresses