Has anyone had low PAPP-a in a pregnancy after previous miscarriages and had a successful pregnancy. I'm worried as I've read up on it and some websites have said you can miscarry in the second trimester and others don't mention it as a risk. I'm really hoping after finally getting to my second trimester I'm not going to have another loss
I had low papp a on my first, I was always told it was nothing to worry about I never even read into it as anything bad! I was induced at 40 weeks due to it but had a healthy little boy no complications
I had 4 misscarriages and then low Papp-a with my rainbow. It's a risk factor. It means you are likely to have a smaller baby but that's it. My girl was perfectly fine
I had low papp a on my first, I was always told it was nothing to worry about I never even read into it as anything bad! I was induced at 40 weeks due to it but had a healthy little boy no complications