I do think it's different I have noticed you are in the states . You can't really choose how many days to stay in over here & most people I know are doing the school run within hours of having giving birth if all was normal. I have just today found out I am under consultant led care so that means I will be on a consultant ward and not a midwife one which is good as it means more monitoring throughout the labour and pregnancy. I just aren't sure on how long I will need to stay :/
I hope all works out for you and wish you the best of luck. Everything will be okay just don’t stress bout it too much ❤️
I don't know why I am so anxious this time. I was super chilled when younger haha
Hey Sinead! Hope you’re well. I also have epilepsy and I was 20 when I had my first and I had to stay 3 days. I don’t really think it has to do with being epileptic or not. I see many moms have a three day stay at the hospital after giving birth. But especially since having epilepsy, I think you should stay just to be on the safe side. I wish you the very best! 💜💜💜