All of this sounds wrong to me sounds wrong. Sounds like he has no respect for you and I feel he won't trust your boundaries. He sounds like if he's not cheating he is at least looking for girls to get more attention that he's lacking from your guys relationship. I'm sorry 😞
Him having female friends is the least of your worries! I have no issue with my fiance having female friends, but telling you you're not the most beautiful woman is horrible! I know I'm not, but my fiance would never say that to me! He always tells me how gorgeous he thinks I am!
He gets a lot of attention from me, he hasn't said anything is missing and hasn't asked for anything more, and so i don't know why he would need more attention ... He has no male friends and doesn't even try with men It's more him not giving me attention which I don't understand because he isn't communicating any needs or wants or things I'm not ignoring him
🤢🤢 what's your question again?? Because I don't get it. Thus man is not interested in you unfortunately. The lack of complaining or communication from him and his intentional friendships and direct sexual javs at you should tell you all you need to know.
Uhm…. Why are you still with him again? I was going to say marriage counseling until the last part where he’s told you that you’re not the most beautiful woman. Gross. Just know that him saying that just shows how insecure he actually is that he has to make your self esteem low just so you feel like you deserve to be with someone like him.