I think around 3 weeks they have a growth spurt so want to cluster feed more 😅
I made him a smaller 60ml bottle there and he didn’t want it 😂 was spilling all the milk down his chin so gave him his dummy instead and he’s falling asleep. Wondering if it was just a comfort he was needing
@Lauren was one of the cues putting his fist in his mouth? As my girl does this (she’s 5 weeks) and I originally thought it was a hunger cue but she actually was just exploring and was enjoying just sucking on her hand😂
@Naomi he was putting his hands in his mouth and doing the rooting reflex 😂
@Lauren yeah exactly what my girl does😂 I offer the dummy too but she spits it out, then proceeds to shove her fist straight back in her mouth 😅🤦🏼♀️
Our little one is also 3 weeks today! We've been responding to his feeding cues as that was what was recommended to us by the midwife. We find how much he has varies quite a bit between feeds, sometimes he will get through 5oz when doing a longer feed, but will also have shorter ones where he will only want 2oz