@Tiffany I have read some women just can't get any colostrum but can still go on to have a successful breastfeeding journey. Don't lose faith. I've found doing it in the day I produce better. I massage around my breast and hand express. That's all I've been doing. And I just collect the little drops each time straight into the syringe. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Yes I have! Some days I get more, some days less, but massaging first helps! One boob produces a lot more than the other. The midwives at my hospital (in London) all really promote and encourage collecting colostrum
Amazing 👏🏾 I'm still trying, but nothing 😕 . I breastfeed my second baby, but I wasn't producing much milk. I wanted to start collecting colostrum early in this pregnancy to help my milk flow when the baby comes, but I've had no luck for 1 week now.