Same happened with us , don’t blame yourself lovely ! I’d usually get a playlist on and do some dancing (rocking/swaying) round the house. Picked my fave tunes to put me in a good mood and bought one of those cheap underwater-effect lights from Amazon for baby to look at 🥰 it does get easier, hang in there xx
Are you using probiotic drops? Helped for us, not instantly but took about a week, in the meantime try using gripe water.
Thanks ladies! I ended up going to a&e in the early hours because he spiked a temperature and is now being treated for query sepsis. So his fussing may well be mainly down to that 🥲. It might not be linked at all so if the gassiness starts up again when we leave I’ll use all of these suggestions 💖
It’s about the right age for the start of colic. My daughter had this and the only thing that would sort of settle her was gripe water and lots of cuddles. Good luck 🤞