If you spend a long time trying to get her to eat then it could effect other parts of your schedule in the day such as nap time or bottle time Would you say you have a good routine in place ? Things are always changing and so this could effect your routine Try not to worry because things will work themselves out ok
After the 15/20 mins of offering food to her then move on clean her up so she knows that that’s her time to eat. Otherwise she will just start to excessively play with food to the point where she will think playing with food is just a game (yeah they should feel textures and taste different foods) but try to establish a decent meal time that she knows that it’s time to eat (then this is why snacks are a thing ) because if she feels like she’s hungry again then you could try to fit in one or two snacks in the day like fruit; yogurt , or biscuits yum
@Queen she wakes at 9 and has weetabix, yoghurt and a piece of fruit. I’ll give her a snall snack and milk bottle at 11:30-11:45 and then she goes down for a nap. She usually naps from 12-2/2:30 and then I offer her lunch. This will then take her to 4:30 which I think is very late because the latest I can offer her another meal is 6/6:30 as she usually starts getting ready for bed at 7:30. She has a milk bottle at 7:30 before she sleeps.
@Queen in 15 minutes she won’t eat enough food for me to take that away from her she doesn’t tend to play with it just takes her time chewing it. The only meal she doesn’t take time eating is her weetabix in the morning. I tend to give snacks in between her meals too. But sometimes it’s so close together because of how long she takes😩
Hi yes I have gone thru this Try to give baby 15-20 mins open time to meals. Whatever she will eat , she will eat whether that’s you feeding her or you offering the food and her eating it herself How many bottles is she having ? Because the more bottles she’s having then the less food they’re going to want to eat so it’s about having the right balance to ensure they’re receiving the nutrients of the milk but enough to leave them hungry and curious to eat food food