I’ve got 3 dogs, 2 horses a cat and fish.. a 4 year old and an 18 month old and 24 weeks pregnant 🤣 keep the rabbits if they bring you so much joy! You can do it! ❤️ my horses are hard work but I’m the same they bringh me joy so they’re worth the extra time.. I’m sure your father in law can find some of his own if he’s happy you keeping the ones you’ve got.
He’s your husband not your father if you want the rabbits keep them. I have two rabbits and a dog I handle everything in terms of household tasks, and taking care of my baby. They’re not expensive pets and they’re low maintenance.
@Louisa see it’s amazing what mummies can do! This is what I aspire lol and the life I always dreamed of! It feels heartbreaking to feel like I’ve my life on hold. He says once the house is finished we can consider it but that’s atlesst 2 years away and I feel like it’s always “just wait”. I just worry if I keep them he will just resent me and refuse anything to do with them, which scares me when I give birth or if I’m super sick and need a helping hand instead still be thrown back at me “I told you not to keep them”, I dread that
He is not your dad, you're an adult!
You don't need his permission.
Is it a dad-kid relationship? He has no right to say NO. He can explain to you why he is not a fan. And you can explain your point to him. You can tell him, if you don't want to care for them it is fine, i will do evetything for them. But it is your decision.
Get rid of the husband
Honestly I’m a single mum too and if i can do it you definitely can! As someone said above rabbits are quite low maintenance just make sure you do your research on flyblown, predator proofing etc. I do see your husbands points and I’m sure in his own way he’s trying to be helpful but it’s really sad that you worry he’ll resent you for having your own little bit of happiness, it doesn’t sound like the healthiest of dynamics-if you haven’t already I would say exactly what you’ve said to me to him and see what he says. Being a mum and all the work load is draining enough but you need your own outlet too
Why the fuck do you have to do what this man says ?!
Give them to your father in law as that is who they’re intended for then sit your husband down and explain to him this is something that you’ve wanted a long time and makes you happy and he can help you achieve this