Under or overfeeding

Hey mamas, I cant work out if I over or underfeeding my LO. She had total of 500ml formula, 100ml water daily. Today she had 100ml of cerelac with 1/2 apple and 1/2 pear, 2 medium strawberries, 1/5 of avacado, about 50ml of plain yoghurt, 100ml of roti mixed with carrot curry. Am I underfeeding my baby? I had a comment today that I am, and how I should be offering her food until she stops. But she stops me at this amount.. this is her daily intake giv or take.. I dont understand how babies are eating whole meals.. 😕 she isnt a small baby, and at around the 50th percentile weight wise. I personally thought shes eating slightly less than my mates LO as she isnt crawling yet.. I.e not that active. Whilst her one started crawling at 5months and is literally very active baby. I know we shouldn't compare.. but I cant help worry now.. am I underfeeding? Or over feed?
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How old is your LO?

@Laura shes 9.5 months now

Every baby is different mine eats loads but she's always just been really hungry and if she's showing you signs that she's full then she's full x

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