Mothers day

We have SD every weekend, for the past 3 years, I have messaged BM and said with it being mothers Day, would you like SD on the Sunday, etc. And she has never been interested, and we've had SD until 4/5pm on the day. Which tbh just makes me sad for SD. This year will be my first mothers day as a mum, and honestly, I just want to spend it with my baby, not spending the day going to SD classes and activities like we do every weekend. We haven't had one weekend without SD since my daughter was 2 weeks old, she's 7 months now and I'd just like to be selfish for one day and just enjoy mother's day with my partner and baby whilst SD spends some time with her own mum, and I just know her mum is going to refuse to have her and its just making me dread my first mothers day. I know that sounds mean because she's only a child, and it's not her fault in any way, because I also feel awful for her that her mum doesn't want to spend mothers day with her child, but I just want a day to myself with my baby that isn't spend running round after SD 😮‍💨
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I don’t have any advice but just wanted to add I wish you were my partners ex 🤣 that’s so considerate of you to offer the day to BM even though it technically falls on your time with her xx

I never understand the every weekend thing. When is mums quality time with her own daughter? Just get dad to sort it out and say you’ll drop her off Saturday evening.

@Anais we do every weekend and bm doesn't seem interested unfortunately 😕 she works 1 or 2 short shifts per week and says can we keep sd longer on the Sunday as she wants to get the shopping etc done on her own...not sure when she thinks we donthis stuff with full time jobs and a baby

@Lou we just think it's the right thing to do! On Father's Day or if my partners birthday falls on a weekend, BM always has plans and wants to keep SD 🙄 I'm too old to play games with her 🤣 x @Anais she just isn't interested. We have offered alternate weekends, and we will have SD after school during the week . She turned it into a big argument about control and manipulation 🤣 she has no interest in giving up her weekends to spend time with her daughter unfortunately. Even her own mum has made comments in the past about she's raising SD more than her actual mum

Wow I’ve had this exact same thing! Bm didn’t want to have her on Mother’s Day so we’ve had her every Mother’s Day since I’ve been a mum. The saddest thing is her mums doing it thinking it’ll cause mayhem. We offer every year and all we get is it’s your time to have her 🙄 I would absolutely die if my boys ever felt I didn’t want to spend Mother’s Day with them 🥺

@Tasmin it's awful isn't it! We always make sure to get BM a card and present/flowers from her too. Drives me mad every year knowing her mum isn't interested, but we do it for SD, so we will keep doing it until she doesn't want to x

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