Scared to take plan B

I have always been scared to take hormonal birth control. Husband’s condom failed us four days out from ovulation day. I have been researching plan B side effects and it did arrive from Amazon but I cannot get myself to take it. I am also breastfeeding my 11 month old so that adds to the fear. Any advice ?
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Well it’s to late now if you haven’t taken it in the 72 hours time span, you waited 4 days it’s to late to take it

We don’t always need to ovulate to get pregnant as well, you can get pregnant at anytime having unprotected sex or having a condom fail

No we had sex four days before ovulation. The sex was 30 ish hours ago.

Oh okay okay

@Janessa of course you need to ovulate 😐 in order to get pregnant- maybe you meant you can ovulate at any time but you need an egg to be released for sperm to be fertilized so getting pregnant always requires ovulation first.

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