It sounds like you’re going through something called the “witching hours” which can be linked to colic. Very normal in babies to have fussy periods around this age 😅
My LO is 5-6 weeks and went through a phase of being awake for ages in the evening. It’ll pass but it’s tough. we found giving her more stimulation in the day may have helped. Morning and evening/afternoon pram walks, baby play gym, even started ready books etc. good luck 💕
No advice but in the same boat. We head upstairs to settle between 8-9 and know she'll sleep for maybe half an hour to an hour at this point and then come midnight onwards it would be every hour she wakes or we could be lucky and she might sleep 1.5 hours. Normally the longest sleep she gets is around 6/7am where she'll sleep 3 hours . My little girl doesn't like the crib and we resorted to putting the moses basket inside and it works to an extent. But she prefers to sleep in my arms. She's also bottle fed not breast x